It’s Sandra Brown Week & time for a GIVEAWAY! -Closed

Smash Cut

Sandra Brown is a powerhouse audiobook talent. When I decided to write a single feature about her work, I realized there was simply too much to say. Therefore, it’s Sandra Brown Week! All week we will be talking about her vast selection of audiobooks and their narrators while providing reviews daily of a number of her audio titles.

How better to start off this celebration than with a giveaway?


The Giveaway

We’re giving away two sets of two Sandra Brown digital audiobooks. The winners will each choose two Sandra Brown titles of their choice at Audible. It’s simple – just enter by midnight (CST) Friday, January 18th. You will find the easy entry form at the bottom of this page – no comments are necessary. We’ll contact you the following morning so watch your emails as we must have acknowledgement of your win within 24 hours. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll select another winner.


Talking About Sandra Brown

When it comes to romantic suspense audio, Sandra Brown reigns supreme in my mind. My favorite Brown titles actually contain more suspense than romance (a fact that still surprises me) but paired with the extremely talented narrators consistently chosen to perform her books, I find myself so carried away by the experience that I find no room to complain if the romance happens to be a secondary plot line.

She’s one author I have experienced almost entirely in audio. For years, I considered Slow Heat in HeavenBrown an author who simply wasn’t for me. I had tried a number of her early romances and found them severely wanting with old style formulaic plots (1980s), cardboard characters, snappish heroines, and maddening leads who bickered constantly. I found myself at the boiling point after a mere fifty pages. I can’t say all of her earlier releases were written in this manner – I just know the few I tried all followed this same path. And then I happened upon Slow Heat in Heaven, a sultry contemporary Southern tale of a wealthy family on the verge of losing it all. Its rather earthy story made me sit up and take notice and the manner in which it skirted the usual romance expectations intrigued me all the more. When an audio friend encouraged me to give Brown’s romantic suspense titles (a sub-genre I largely avoided) a try, I took her suggestion by listening to Envy narrated by Victor Slezak. I was simply riveted and started glomming her romantic suspense audiobooks concentrating first on those narrated by Slezak.

It’s difficult for me to tell you exactly how many audiobooks Brown has to her name. According to Brown’s site, she has penned 76 print books. Audible lists 59 unabridged titles – I haven’t checked for a possible duplication of titles because I imagine you understand the point I’m trying to make – Sandra Brown has a huge backlist of audio titles.


The Best – Those Romantic Suspense Titles

When you hear me recommend Sandra Brown, I’m referring to her later works for the most part – an original print date roughly 2000 or later. While I have enjoyed a number of her releases from the 1990s, none rate an A grade and most are B listens. I must admit that my top rated Brown listens are those narrated by Victor Slezak. They are simply one of the best author/narrator teams in existence.

Over the past three years, I have listened to thirteen Brown audios. Below is a summary complete with grade, narrator, and original print and audio release dates.


A+ Listen (a grade I rarely give)Envy


Narrated by Victor Slezak

Original print release 2001 – Audio release 2001


A Listens

Smash Cut

Narrated by Victor Slezak

Original print release 2009 – Audio release 2009


Tough Customer

Narrated by Victor Slezak

Original print release 2010 – Audio release 2010



Narrated by Victor Slezak

Original print release 2011 – Audio release 2011


Play DirtyPlay Dirty

Narrated by Victor Slezak

Original print release 2007 – Audio release 2007


Slow Heat in Heaven

Narrated by Dick Hill

Original print release 1988 – Audio release 2006




B Listens


Narrated by Dennis Boutsikaris

Original print release 2006 – Audio release 2006


Smoke Screen

Narrated by Victor Slezak

Original print release 2008  – Audio release 2008


Hello, Darkness

Narrated by Victor Slezak

Original print release 2003 – Audio release 2003 (2)


The Witness 

Narrated by Joyce Bean

Original print release 1995 – Audio release 2009


Breath of Scandal

Narrated by Dick Hill

Original print release 1991 – Audio release 2007


C Listen

White Hot 

Narrated by Victor Slezak (a hard to find – no digital version)

Original print release 2004 – Audio release 2004


D Listen

Where There’s Smoke 

Narrated by Natalie Ross

Original print release 1993 – Audio release 2009


Below this intro/giveaway article, you’ll find reviews of Envy and Ricochet. After reading, I think you will understand even more why you are finding a bunch of Sandra Brown love around here!

On Wednesday, we’ll talk about those early Brown print books that are now being offered as single title new audiobooks. On Friday we’ll take a look at the talented narrators performing Brown’s work. And all week, we’ll post Brown reviews. Scheduled for review at this time: Envy, Ricochet, Smash Cut, Tough Customer, Lethal, French Silk, Charade, and Slow Heat in Heaven.

Somehow I missed Brown’s latest release, Low Pressure, from this past fall (how did I miss it?). I’m listening now and plan to give an update on it as well later this week.

For those wanting to give Sandra Brown a try without making an investment, most libraries carry her titles in their audio selection.

Now it’s time to enter!

Lea Hensley


Entry for Sandra Brown Giveaway

Giveaway ended.

7 thoughts on “It’s Sandra Brown Week & time for a GIVEAWAY! -Closed

  1. I’ve tried Sandra Brown twice, both times with disastrous results. I think most memorable was the western series where she kills off the hero of the first book in the second book.. I have not picked up another book by her. However, now you’ve piqued my interest and I have to try her, I did look and the library has a few of her newer titles you mention (but not Envy, unfortunately!)

  2. Omg….I love Sandra brown books….when I start reading I can’t put the book down….I love her thrillers..

  3. Please enter me in the drawing. I’ve not read any by Sandra Brown, and my friends say I should.

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