Many of us have mentioned listening to audiobooks while exercising – something we don’t think twice about. I found it interesting to read an avid exerciser’s discovery of audiobooks and why she calls them her new Running Mix.
“The perfect way to zone out during a long run is to really have to listen to and care about something.”
Listening to romance audiobooks would meet her requirements easily wouldn’t it?
Interestingly enough, I have been using audiobooks while walking for years but have realized that even great audiobooks cannot make walking on a treadmill any easier to do. I don’t mean easier as in I don’t break a sweat. Even listening to my favorite audiobook, it’s damn boring to walk in one spot for an hour! Now mind you, I can SIT in one spot for several hours, listening to audiobooks and playing freecell or knitting or something. But walking on a treadmill is just plain, ol’ tedious – I find myself unable to concentrate, thinking “ok, just 5 more minutes” over and over to get to maybe 50 minutes, but rarely 60. And yet I can take a long walk to a nearby park and walk there for an hour without even thinking about it. (assuming the weather is nice and I’m not about to faint or anything).
I guess that doesn’t add much to this convo. I just felt obliged to say it because I was really hoping that doing my treadmill cardio would be easier with an audiobook but it ain’t.
Melinda – me too!!
I can manage 30 minutes on a treadmill instead of 10 with a really great audiobook but my mind still starts to fill with all the other things I could be doing while listening to this really great audiobook. I’m just not the type to stand still and walk and I have tried – I have really tried. So, despite the fact that I have this really awesome treadmill, I find myself joining the seniors at the mall at 7:00 in the morning on a day where the weather is too disagreeable to walk outside. At least I can look in the store windows.
However, I discovered the joy of romance audiobook on a treadmill. SEP’s It Had to Be You will always remind me of a treadmill in a good way. I was on an extreme workout regimen and I only had to spend 30 minutes on the treadmill. And I laughed and laughed and realized what a gold mine I had discovered.
But now, I’m back to just plain old walking.
I often outdoors run with an audiobook in my iPod, which generally results in me laughing out loud at random times, or doing 10K with a smile on my face. People look at me like I’m mad… no, I’m not really enjoying the running; I’m having fun with the sexytimes. But since I generally listen to audiobooks of books I’ve already read, I don’t actively have to listen to them to keep track of the story, so I don’t zone out in quite the same way.
I once ran 10Ks – long before my audio listening days. How I would have loved to have a book help me up that dreaded hill.