First – a reminder!
Part two of our Holiday celebration giveaway is underway. We’re giving away a 4GB Sansa Clip+ and a 16GB SanDisk Micro SD card to expand its capacity. Be sure to check out the details. Giveaway is open until midnight Thursday (CST).
In conjunction with our current giveaway, Brenda has an instructional video on how to download audiobooks from Audible to MP3 players such as the Sansa Clip+ featured in our giveaway.
The reviews – Melinda is reviewing Georgette Heyer’s Sylvester narrated by Nicholas Rowe – the new unabridged version. And Kaetrin has a fantasy/horror/vampire/YA all rolled into one – The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
narrated by Christine Lakin.
All are located immediately below. Enjoy!