Je Suis Prest – An Outlander Tailgate Party – Countdown to Outlander

A STARZ photo of Jamie and, uh, some other person in the background…


It’s common in the southern United States for people to get pretty dang excited about some sports game or other, and throw a party where everyone gets together and eats and enjoys the show. It’s called a Tailgate Party if it’s being held in the parking lot of the sports arena. I figured we should have a celebration for OUTLANDER A STARZ ORIGINAL SERIES early premiere in the States Saturday, August 2, so the Gals are hosting a virtual Outlander Tailgate Party, showing how Ready we are to rumble with Jamie and Claire! Je Suis Prest!

While I was putting together the virtual affair, I wondered – what are the other Gals planning for their first time with Jamie? I’m going to be enjoying his company in the solitude of my very dark, very comfy back den. Are their husbands and kids being banished so they can enjoy some alone time with their hunky Highlander book boyfriend? (Note – I do know it’s Claire in the photo, BTW)

Lea: I’ll be watching tomorrow night at home with my husband and recording on my DVR. My husband is the quiet and respectful type when watching TV (ahem – I’m not…I like to talk and then back up). But part of me wishes I could be with other Outlander fans so we could discuss afterwards. After all, I will be recording it…

Kaetrin: I will be watching it alone and taping it and NO-ONE IS ALLOWED TO INTERRUPT ME – my husband already is under strict notice that it is NOT TO BE DELETED from the hard drive until I have the DVDs in my possession.

Lea: As the season progresses, I’ll be recording each episode on my DVR and saving until it is available on DVD as well. I’m sure I will be watching it again…and again…and again. My favorite watches only seem to get better with each viewing. And I really am an Outlander fanatic – not to the extreme of #outlandernerd Melinda but a solid “best audio/story combo ever” type of fan. I hear Davina Porter narrating even a small portion of Outlander and I’m all “ahhhh.”

Victoria: I will try to get the men in my family to watch (but I am afraid my sighing over the whole thing has already scared them off!) But – the exciting news is, I have a daughter who has Time Warner Cable and they had a preview show in Dallas for the first episode at a movie theater! Casting was so great!! My daughter (who has had this on her to-be-read list) is convinced. Really well done and I can already tell my appetite will be faster than series.

Kaetrin: I will be watching when it airs on August 14 here in Australia.  We have payTV at home and fortunately Outlander is on a channel we already get in our subscription.  I think I would have been mighty tempted to pay extra to see it quickly.

Lea: Fortunately we have STARZ as part of our cable package but there is absolutely no doubt that we would have subscribed if it hadn’t been part of our service.

Me: Victoria, I’m so jealous that you get to see it on the big screen! I was hoping to get a better sound system for my TV so the Bear McCreary soundtrack would rock my house, but I haven’t worked that into my schedule yet.

I also asked for dips for the party, and there are going to be some yummilicious treats at this tailgater!

Lea: Here is my ever-so-Okie Bean Dip. It is a favorite around here and requested at every large family gathering:

  • 1 can refried beans (Taco Bell brand is best)
  • 1 cup grated cheese
  • 1/2 cup picante
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 4-5 chopped onions

Serve with tortilla chips.

Victoria: Mine is very similar!

  • Brown ground beef – the amount to your discretion, up to 1/2 pound
  • 2 cans Ranch Style Beans, pureed in food processor
  • 1/2 c paces medium picante
  • 1/2 c tostito cheese nacho cheese
  • v-8 spicy juice to get it to the consistency you prefer

Bring to brief simmer, then serve warm with tortilla chips.

Kaetrin: Get a cob of bread and cut off the top and hollow out the middle – breaking up the bread to use to scoop the dip up with. Get a packet of chopped frozen spinach (thaw it), a packet of French Onion Soup mix and a tub of cream cheese and a carton of sour cream. Heat the cream cheese and sour cream in the microwave so you can mix it all together. Pour the dip into the hollowed out bread and serve (immediately) with the broken up insides around the cob.

Me: I figured there must be some Haggis dip out there, and so I googled and got about 4,410,000 results. Rather photothan plagiarize a recipe I haven’t (and won’t!) try, I’ll contribute my sister’s fabulous Hot Crawfish Dip – cuz you know Jamie and Claire would totally love crawfish!

  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 small bunch of green onions
  • 1 handful chopped parsley
  • 2 T flour
  • 1 pint breakfast cream
  • ½ lb Swiss cheese grated
  • 1 T sherry
  • red pepper and salt to taste (or Tony Chachere’s, cher)
  • 1 lb crawfish tails

Melt butter, add and saute onions and parsley. Stir in flour, then gradually add cream, stirring until thick. Meanwhile, saute crawfish tails in 1-2 T butter in a separate skillet for 5 minutes. Add grated cheese to the cream mixture – when melted, add sherry & crawfish then season. Serve hot on crackers or French bread.

So – will you be watching alone, or at a Tailgater Gathering of your clan? And what dish are you bringing? Share your recipe here!



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11 thoughts on “Je Suis Prest – An Outlander Tailgate Party – Countdown to Outlander

  1. I would love to watch the early premiere tonight but I don’t subscribe to STARZ! Bummer.

    1. See – that’s the thing – follow the link because it tells you where to watch it. Here’s one link to the premiere but I understand that there are several. If you have cable tv with On Demand, look there – it’s there, free, until June 2015 I believe. And there’s a YouTube link too

      Starz free online

      YouTube full Episode 1

      Twitter – this page has the link too

      WHATCHOO WAITING FER, PEOPLE? Take your computer to your coziest spots, send the family to the mall with $100 each and CLICK THE LINK!! LOL _ I’ve already watched it twice through!

  2. It’s my understanding that you can watch the premiere free today and possibly even into this week. Follow the “For more information…” link above. No STARZ needed.

  3. Bless you Melinda for posting those links because I don’t have STARZ and I want to watch Outlander. I haven’t read the books but I’m really hyped for the show thanks to the AudioGals and about a half dozen other romance book themed blogs I go to. Plus, you know, the lead actor is very easy on the eyes. lol.

    1. I’m a big fan of the concept of reading the book first – you know, to get it in your head before the director messes it all up. But in this case, it looks like they are going to worship the books with this series, so you are given a brief reprieve and I will allow you to watch the lead actor before reading. But there will be a test later in the season, so you better just jump in there and read the books! Good news – the audiobook is only $5.95 at Audible right now!

      PS mostly kidding about the test thing…

    2. We kinda love the thought that we have helped get you hyped for watching Outlander STARZ. :)

  4. Thanks to you I found the Outlander preview available On Demand from my cable services provider. I loved it. However, my husband did not. So I won’t be getting STARZ, but I will be looking forward to when it is available on DVD.

    Thanks for letting me know the preview was available.

    1. Mary – my husband will watch the whole series with me (fortunately we have STARZ and he knows Outlander is my all-time favorite book) and he’ll enjoy it in some manner. But watching the first episode with him last night, I found myself saying halfway through, “It is going to change drastically shortly and then it is full of action. They’re establishing background.” Cause you know – the first half was slow. For those of us who have enjoyed the books in either print or audio format, we understand the need for establishing Claire’s life before her time travel but for those tuning in for the first time, I’m afraid they will be discouraged from watching more.

      1. My husband didn’t say anything while we were watching it, but later had to explain to me the whole idea of time-travel is ridiculous.

        I am listening to Outlander again right now and really enjoying it.

        1. Um, sorry to hear that he doesn’t think time travel is real. LOL I don’t think it’s real either but I can sure read stories where it does exist!! I guess he doesn’t go for Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter or Star Wars or other non-realistic books/movies either? Cuz, um, those things are all sorta ridiculous too if you can’t suspend your beliefs. (and really, the Die Hard series is one of my favorite action movie series, but if you think the premises of those movies isn’t ridiculous…!!)

          But hey, it’s not for everyone. Glad to know you are enjoying your re-visit like I am!

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