Category: Hardingham, Fiona
The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson
Kaetrin June 21, 2016
Narrated by Fiona Hardingham I saw a favourable review of the print version of this book recently and it inspired me to request the audiobook to review here at AudioGals. The Summer Before the War is not strictly a romance….
A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke
Shannon July 16, 2014
Narrated by Fiona Hardingham and Shaun Grindell What is left when everything you thought to be true turns out to be a lie? How can you move on? How much can be forgiven? In A Single Breath, author Lucy Clarke…
Wedding Night: A Novel by Sophie Kinsella
Melinda April 22, 2013
Narrated by Jayne Entwistle, Fiona Hardingham, Mark Bramhall This is my first venture into Sophie Kinsella’s world. She’s a British author of books that I think, from my brief research, fairly define the Chick Lit model – contemporary young (chiefly…