Category: Morris, Carolyn
A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare
Melinda April 8, 2014
Narrated by Carolyn Morris Narrator Carolyn Morris confirms my first impression (In Love with a Wicked Man): I’d happily auto-purchase any well-written novel she narrates! Her narration of A Night to Surrender enhances this novel penned by Tessa Dare. First…
The Wicked Wallflower by Maya Rodale
Caz February 6, 2014
Narrated by Carolyn Morris Maya Rodale’s new series under the umbrella title of Bad Boys and Wallflowers consists of both Historical and Contemporary romances, in which I believe the contemporaries are modern re-workings of the historicals. This first book in…
In Love with a Wicked Man by Liz Carlyle
Lea November 13, 2013
Narrated by Carolyn Morris Trust Liz Carlyle to take classic romance tropes – an amnesiac, a jaded hero brought to his knees by love , a plain but kind heroine – and still deliver an enjoyable early Victorian tale with…