Tag: Gal Talk
Men of Romance Audiobooks: The Gals Discuss
Melinda March 21, 2017
Melinda: On March 25, Men of Romance Audiobooks will talk to the Virginia Festival of the Book – narrator Andi Arndt has gathered a group of male narrators to talk about creating performances that carry romance listeners from first blush…
Three Gals Talking: Three Gal Favorites
Lea October 12, 2012
Last week in our first Three Gals Talking event, we shared why we listen to romance audio and those romance sub-genres we turn to first. This week we’re taking a closer look at those audiobooks that all three Gals give…
Three Gals Talking: Why Romance? And What We Prefer
Lea October 5, 2012
It’s time for our first Three Gals Talking event and we’re starting with the star of AudioGals – the romance genre. Why do all three Gals love romance to the point of writing about it exclusively? And what about each Gal’s…